Version 0.0.1 Patch Notes

Hey all, my name is Matt and I'm a game developer.  Today I released version 0.0.1 of Jump Shot, a short little platformer base that I'm going to try updating over time to have more gameplay mechanics.  Some might be unique and others might be common to most other platformers.  I've never made one of these before so the goal is really to just experiment and make game mechanics that are fun to play.

Here are patch notes for version 0.0.1:
- Keyboard/Gamepad Input
- Jump mechanic
- Movement mechanics
- Dash mechanic: Dash forward through the air quickly for a moment
- Wall Kick: Kick off walls to climb upwards
- Death/Checkpoints
- General experimentation with camera movement and level editing
- build process (I've done this before, but now I don't need to mess with the page setup again for a bit)

I have a list of other mechanics and game objects I'd like to go forward with and add.  You should see those coming in future releases (hopefully soon).

Files 15 MB
Jul 17, 2018

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